Vanilla Cashew Butterball Bites

vanilla cashew butterball bites

Ok now *this* is the easiest thing you’re ever gonna make.

I know, I know, I’ve said that before. One’a those “toss it all in and mix it up and hello, delicious!” kinda things.

Hemp hearts are awesome for a little added dose of protein … but before I put that in these were just a tad more flavorful, juicy and smooth. Just an ever so slight tad, really. I could use some extra protein anywhere I can get it so I chose to go for it but if you’re one’a those crazy meat eaters I hear about 😉, you can leave that part out.

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Vanilla Cashew Butterball Bites Recipe 

In food processor on high, grind nuts and hemp hearts til finely powdered. Add dates, coconut oil, vanilla and salt and blend again til smooth. Scoop into teaspoon sized balls, rolling between hands til round and smooth. Enjoy!

Note: You can refrigerate these to make them harder and longer lasting. I liked ’em soft plus they really weren’t gonna last all that long anyway. A day max. Yes that’s how I roll. What I lack in self control I make up for in cuteness ha ha. 😉

Vanilla Cashew Butterball Bites

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