Honeydew Lime Cooler

honeydew lime cooler

“Can I have a sip o’ your drink?”


“Uh … Can I have a-NOTHER sip o’ that?”

My friend Rich was partaking in some sort of fresh ‘n fruity soda-like thing that I would actually never normally have.

Yet it kept grabbing my eye … a cool treat, there like a sitting duck on the grass, just waiting to be devoured on a sunny Sunday afternoon.

I quit at two sips. Why push my luck? After all, I’m PRET-ty sure HE was plannin’ on drinking that himself … right?

On the way home, as an intense ice pop craving overtook me, I decided I absolutely MUST make my own rendition … some refreshing, icy, fruity thing.

And so … The Honeydew Lime Cooler was born. Welcome to the world, my fresh little friend.

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Honeydew Lime Cooler Recipe

  • 1/2 honeydew melon
  • 1 tbsp raw honey
  • 1 lime
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 1/2″ fresh ginger root, grated
  • 2 cups water, boiled

Scoop honeydew into balls with a melon baller, line balls up on a plate and set aside in freezer til firm. Stir honey into boiled water til melted, add grated ginger root and juice of lemons and limes then chill in fridge. Once liquid is chilled, place 4 or so frozen melon balls into each glass then pour liquid over. Enjoy!

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Tip 1: Lining the plate with parchment or waxed paper first makes removing the frozen melon balls easier. And as we all know … easier is always better!

Honeydew Lime Cooler

Tip 2: Just for fun, you can give your drink a little whip in the blender for a slushy, smoothie-like cooler.

Honeydew Lime Cooler Slushie




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