Roberta Alessandra

Roberta Alessandra

Roberta Alessandra, DD, C.Ht, founder of myEnergyHeals, is a descendant of generations of European wise women. While still in high school, she became fascinated with healing herbs and started growing and studying them, making cups of bitter tea and herb poultices for her long-suffering family members. “Just like your great-grandmother,” her mother used to say.

She had always been interested in the unseen, and was drawn to understanding the world around her through astrology. People soon began asking to have their charts read and, not satisfied with the limits of astrological consultation, she became a Certified Hypnotist (C.Ht) and studied Core Shamanism, eventually becoming an initiate of the Ecuadorian Quechua tribe.

Roberta has numerous certifications, among them Basic and Advanced Quantum-Touch, Body Mirror Healing, Theta Healing, Ho’oponopono and, most recently, Medical Hypnosis, an important emerging area of specialization.

She created her unique coaching method, The Door to Your Core, based on her years of study and practice. It is an eclectic, comprehensive and powerful method of quickening your vibration via traditional and modern techniques, bringing you into alignment and stimulating healing at the deepest levels of consciousness. It puts you in charge of your healing and your life and is your personal magic bullet.

For the past five years, Roberta has led a group of light workers from around the globe in a monthly live remote healing telecircle, focusing on people’s physical, mental and emotional intentions and she welcomes you to her tribe. She is a member of the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) and the International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT).



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Roberta is gifting twelve Magical Medical Mystery Tour journeyers. Click to receive your FREE Transform Your Health session and video.







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“Is There a Magic Bullet? Discovering Your Power to Heal”
with Roberta Alessandra?

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