Pam Houghteling

Pamela HoughtelingOver the years I’ve found and used all kinds of tools and techniques for personal growth— meditation, Huna, various religions, psychotherapy, body and energy healing modalities, and The Feldenkrais Method® to name just a few.

Many of these practices helped me to improve my life to the point where by most standards my life and my enjoyment of it would have been considered very successful. I was happy with what I had created for myself so far and where I seemed to be headed.

Yet I was still searching.

I had a tremendous drive for self-discovery and to continue to do and be more. I was building a network marketing business, and working with two coaches to help me move past blocks I had identified as my business grew. One of my coaches introduced me to a few of the Access Consciousness™ tools.

Within two weeks the effects I saw from using the tools was astounding.

She told me about getting your “bars run” and I knew it was something I wanted to experience. There just happened to be a Bars/Foundation/Level One series being offered in my state. (How does it get any better than that?) A month later I participated in the Level 2/3 classes, and was embarked on the ride of my life!

How can I put into words the effect the Access classes, tools, and energy processes have had on me and my life?

Suffice it to say that the transformation I have experienced using Access tools far surpasses that of any other modality I’ve tried, or even all of them combined. My life is joyful, full of gratitude and possibility. My personal relationships, my businesses, and my physical health have all improved dramatically. And most importantly, as I allow myself to show up in the world more fully, I have more ability to facilitate change in myself, those around me, and the world.

What else is possible?


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