
adventures in the kitchen …

Along my healing journey, I discovered this thing called an Anti-Inflammation Diet. Actually, not a diet so much as a way of eating. No refined sugar, no white flour, lotsa veggies … super-healthy, right?

Well, suddenly I was noticing that I *LOVED* to cook! Whenever I made something, I would become instantly happy! Who knew! I loved exploring what I could do with different spices and flavors and things and creating new yummy recipes and feeling as if I were being oh-so-very healthy. Yaay!

So here I am traipsing through the kitchen. Admittedly, one or two of my earliest posts (uh, piñata cookies, really?) are *not* doctor-approved but the rest are. I just follow the joy and see where it leads me!

Click a recipe below to come play in the kitchen …

Cravings abound over here so… May the healthier-brownie experiment commence! Special thanks to Darlene for her guidance and inspiration. The Final Verdict on this one: Everybody who tried them LOVED them. Superduper moist and flavorful. Some said they didn’t taste the coconut… I myself did taste it. I feel like it blended in and complemented …
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These fall into the category of Messy-but-Worth-It. Boyfriend sez they’re better than regular tacos. (Yahoo!) Also super delish (and faster) is filling the taco shells with just salted avocado slices and Cheezy Sauce. We alternated. Enjoy! PS: You can fill anything you want with this. We used these great grain-free taco shells from Thrive (save …
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What to call these, what to call these? Cupcakelettes? Blondies? Muffincakes? Punkin’ Pie Cupblondiecakes? Not quite a cupcake but not quite a muffin. (What’s the difference, anyway? No really, that’s a question.) Chewy like brownies, so do I put ’em in a pan instead of muffin liners ‘n call it a day? Dang, I need …
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You guys, the best thing in the world happened! A couple of ’em actually. Thing one: My friend Maria came over to make beans for me. Which is pretty amazing already, in and of itself. Thing two: We didn’t have the right ingredients. Yahooooo! And so, a new recipe was born. Lucky us! And I …
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Aaaah what would I do if there were no more cacao sweet nibs in the world? I don’t even wanna know. 😊 They make me smile (a crunchy little chocolate chippedy type smile) in oatmeal, n’ice cream and, of course, you guessed it … lemony ginger balls. What can’t you live without? . . . . …
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Yahoo for things that taste like a treat but serve an important role in your healthity-health. Allow me to introduce, the psyllium smoothie. Which (how can I say this?) can help with your digestive system AND taste like a malted milk, both at the same time. Dairy free, but of course! So here’s the scoop: …
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Do you guys like cacao nibs? Some can be super bitter, I know. Navitas Organics makes these ever so slightly sweet ones that I love for their crunch … on oatmeal … in nice cream … and these cocao bliss balls, which, by the way, were a total throw-together-whatever-ya-got-and-hope-for-the-best success story. (Scrumptious! 👌🎉) I add …
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Hey guys, I discovered how to make Bieler’s when you’re not feelin’ so hot! I came up with these ridiculous (yet highly effective 😉) instructions when I was sickiepoopoo and am leaving it in its original state, just for fun. This recipe is shared with a wink and a smile. And yes, it’s a real …
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My boyfriend named this a “smoothly.” Cuz it’s not quiuuiite a smoothie, it needed its own special word. 😉 Note to the ladies: When your boyfriend is cute enough to wanna help you name your food, come ON! You absolutely MUST use the name, for sure, for sure. Am I right? By the way, guess …
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Ok guys, it’s a yumfest over here! 😊 This is a super creamy, totally craveable, boyfriend- AND picky father- approved parmeNON zoodles dish. I’m in Italian food heaven! Inspired by an idea from my friends at NavitasOOrganics for dairy free, plant based parmesan (thank you Julie Morris! 🤗) … AND some awesome finds I discovered …
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