Meet Susie the snowman … ‘scuse me, I stand corrected … snow*LADY* (Even tho she was only just born an hour ago, she likes t’think of herself as a woman so we’ll go with that cuz it makes her happy. And there’s nuthin’ better than a happy snowlady!)

She *was* saying “yaay” at the moment when this shot was taken.

The birthday snowstorm I ordered finally arrived. (Yes that was me.) So I got to meet Sammie, snowlady Susie’s boyfriend. Y’probly noticed the wistful look on his face. Susie is nowhere to be found, hmmm …
January 2016, Susie and Sammie. #truelove
Dusk, January 13, 2017
They lost their hearts in the snow dune but are still very much in love. ❤ “Oooh, gettin’ dark. Don’t worry, we’re not skeeered.”
February 2, 2017
This week Susie and Sammie reunited on a park bench near their favorite beach. Alas they will never see it on a sunny summer day but I’ve heard them say many a time, “As long as y’got love, nuthin’ else matters.” And I concur.
February 11, 2017
Overheard from a bench:
“Life’s been good, hasn’t it, sweetie?”
#snowbabies #sammieandsusie #truelove #untilnexttime
{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }
I LOVE THIS POST! …especially the snow falling on the bench! …and the two little snow people ….with the sea shells covering her head! Adorable!
I’m so glad, my beautiful friend! These guys bring me some much joy.